Waste Awareness +
Change of Habit
“We live in a defining moment in history – a moment where the international community has come together to agree on an ambitious framework to resolve some of the world’s most daunting challenges. Anchored in a set of universally applicable Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all 193 members of the United Nations in September 2015, underlined a common determination to take bold and transformative steps towards a better future for all. Now is the time for implementation. We must now begin to practice what we have preached – changing our production and consumption patterns in order to create virtuous cycles rather than depletive ones and harnessing the global interconnectedness, communications technology and breakthroughs in materials science.”
–Foreword to: The New Plastics Economy, Rethinking the Future of Plastics
Waste awareness projectThe project documents the waste you produce in 7 days. There are many kinds of waste we produce which include organic, plastics, paper, glass, metal, clothes, e-waste, hazardous, etc… Through words, drawings, diagrams, charts, and photography you will document the waste you generate every day, for 7 days. This content will be processed and designed into the book.
Change a habit projectConceive of a project based on the following stages for a more sustainable lifestyle: REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, ROT and REPURPOSE. Your project can focus on one stage or all. A project can be a simple as choosing to ‘reduce’ the amount of plastic you are using, or to ‘rot’ by starting a compost, or you can ‘repurpose’ some trash you found in the UCLA waste facilities.
Selected works from class Word and Image Spring 2018
